Dominique Peysson was born in 1968 and lives in the Paris region. She is a visual artist, after having been a physics researcher. Promoting the fertile encounter between contemporary arts and sciences, she however prefers poetry, humor, magic and strangeness to demonstrations of power. His works, installations, videos and performances, delicately question the hybridizations between living processes and technical processes. They explore the boundaries between the natural and the artificial or the inert and the living. Dominique Peysson works directly with research laboratories, in order to question the future of our future technologies, and the ethical questions they raise. She received the Starts Vertigo prize, and regularly exhibits in France and abroad: Venice, Madrid, Brussels, Leipzig, London, etc. She has benefited from numerous residencies and participates in the ANR “Second Skin” project with three scientific laboratories.
She has two theses, in physics (1994) and in contemporary art (2014). She taught for many years, conducted her research and taught at EnsadLab, the arts and sciences laboratory of Decorative Arts ENSAD Paris and at the Gustave Eiffel University. She now devotes herself exclusively to her plastic productions. Considering that the artist must share, transmit, but also alert us to the future risks of our technoscientific society, she regularly participates in conferences, podcasts and inclusive practical workshops.
She is the author of numerous publications, including the book The Material Image, from Dis Voir Ed., also translated into English and distributed in France, England, Germany and the United States.

Individual exhibitions
October 18-22, 2017. Three works: a performance with Olivier Goulet Life and a vapor… and then nothing, the Trafic 3.0 installation, a radioactive microfluidic work, the installation Study of radioactive clouds, Supported by the “Vocality” research program in theater and opera” of the Iris “Creation, Cognition and Society” (EHESS). Exhibited at the Opéra Comique de Paris for the opera Kein Licht, a creation by Philippe Manouri.
Jan. 5-March 10, 2017. Première Impression, personal exhibition of a corpus of five works on the notion of matter-DNA, financed by the Seine-Saint-Denis Department and the Ile-de-France Region as part of an artist residency from March 2016 to January 2017 at the Espace Jean-Roger Caussimon, Tremblay in France, in collaboration with the Lieu Multiple de Poitiers.
15 Nov-15 Dec 2016. Possibility of an island. Installation, sand and water drops. Center Jean-René Caussimon, Tremblay in France.
May 18 and 26, 2016. Water Power. Performance, at the Espace Mendès France in Poitiers and at the Paillasse in Paris. In the shade of the water. Listening in the dark, for mental image transmission.
04 Jan-27 Feb 2016. Traffic. Microfluidic installation. Center Jean-René Caussimon, Tremblay in France.
10-13 Dec. 2014. Water At Work, personal exhibition of eleven pieces at the gallery of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris.
Sept. 2013-June 2014. Hydrophily, interactive art&science installation, buée drawings, maintained for 10 months in the windows of the Espace Pierre Gilles de Gennes, 10 rue Vauquelin, Paris.
Nov. 19, 2013. Color metal, Installation performance for Les Invisibles, Appearance of images of fog, Espace Pierre-Gilles de Gennes.
Group exhibitions
Sep 21, 2019. DNA in plastics, presented for the Imagine Institute open house.
09-23 June. 2019. Goutte de cristal, installation for the Water Festival in Whattwiller (FEW), on the theme of the memory of water. Projection of videos in drops of water, continuous flow system, optical device.
June 28. 2018. Curatorship and organization with Vera Broichhagen of Fifty-Fifty, an evening presenting eight performances by twelve artists at Les Grands Voisins, Two performances presented by me in this context: In your skin, a performance with Sylvie Maurin and Memory Effect with Vera Broichhagen.
15-16 Dec. 2017. Study of clouds, installation presented for “Wanderer above the sea of fog”, collective exhibition at Villa Belleville.
06 Dec-02 Feb 2018. Study of radioactive clouds, for “Great Planet”, Miksi Coworking, Cité Universitaire, Paris.
Nov. 09, 2017. Study of radioactive clouds, for the inaugural Arts and Sciences day of the ISC-PIF within the TOTEM, Institute of Complex Systems, Paris.
October 18-22, 2017. Three works: a performance with Olivier Goulet Life and a vapor… and then nothing, the Trafic 3.0 installation, a radioactive microfluidic work, the installation Study of radioactive clouds, Supported by the “Vocality” research program in theater and opera” of the Iris “Creation, Cognition and Society” (EHESS). Exhibited at the Opéra Comique de Paris for the opera Kein Licht, a creation by Philippe Manouri.
Oct 10-Dec 9 2017. Trafic 2.0 exhibited in Pau for the Machines Sensibles festival, Accès)s(
May 3-June 3, 2017. Exhibition within the PERCOLARIS collective, at the Arondit gallery, Paris IIIème. Personal works exhibited: DNA in plastics, Evolution is dyslexic, Protohistoric-Trafic, Cloud study.
Jan. 5-March 10, 2017. Première Impression, personal exhibition of a corpus of five works on the notion of matter-DNA, financed by the Seine-Saint-Denis Department and the Ile-de-France Region as part of an artist residency from March 2016 to January 2017 at the Espace Jean-Roger Caussimon, Tremblay in France, in collaboration with the Lieu Multiple de Poitiers.
12 Jan-10 Feb 2017. Study of Cloud and Dancing in the Rain, for the exhibition Aqua Mobilis (part 2), Galerie Passerelle, Campus de Jussieu, Paris 5th.
07 Nov-11 Dec 2016. Study of Cloud and Dancing in the Rain, for the exhibition Aqua Mobilis (part 1), TIM Future Center, Venice, Italy.
15 Nov-15 Dec 2016. Possibility of an island. Installation, sand and water drops. Center Jean-René Caussimon, Tremblay in France.
Oct. 10-Nov. 15, 2016. Cloud study. Facility. Diversion of serigraphy for an image of a cloud in drops of water. Tealight Festival. Center Jean-René Caussimon, Tremblay in France.
September 20-23, 2016. Points Singuliers, Five studies of folds brought to light, EnsAD, Paris Vème.
May 18 and 26, 2016. Water Power. Performance, at the Espace Mendès France in Poitiers and at the Paillasse in Paris. In the shade of the water. Listening in the dark, for mental image transmission.
04 Jan-27 Feb 2016. Traffic. Microfluidic installation. Center Jean-René Caussimon, Tremblay in France.
March 26-29, 2015. Versal Unfolding, Performance-conference with Emmanuel Ferrand, during the GDR MePhy colloquium, Mechanics and physics of complex systems. ESPCI, Paris 5th and L'i-mage Est Un Objet Elastique, La Générale, Paris 14th and at the Galerie Friches & nous, la paix, Paris 20th.
10-13 Dec. 2014. Water At Work, personal exhibition of eleven pieces at the gallery of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris.
Sept. 2013-June 2014. Hydrophily, interactive art&science installation, buée drawings, maintained for 10 months in the windows of the Espace Pierre Gilles de Gennes, 10 rue Vauquelin, Paris.
Nov. 19, 2013. Color metal, Installation performance for Les Invisibles, Appearance of images of fog, Espace Pierre-Gilles de Gennes.
Dec. 2012-Jan. 2013. Collective exhibition “Quartiers divers”, Cultural Centers of Rueil-Malmaison.
June 2010. YI SANG I GNAS IY and the reversal of time, performance on the scientific inspiration of the Korean poet Yi Sang, “Yi Sang à Paris” festival, at La Générale, Paris.
May 2009. Re-enactment of Alvin Lucier's work Music for a solo performer at Saint-Merri church, Paris.
Oct. 2008. Histoires de poche, four videos presented on a large screen outside the town hall of the 5th arrondissement as part of the sleepless nights.
May 2008. Correlation Mobile, filmed performance and Histoires de poche, four videos, produced for the pocket film festival, Center Pompidou, Paris.
May 2007. Integrator of Marcel, exhibition among seven young artists for Upperloc!, Lil'art event, Les Lilas.
Publications (art)
Coming soon (Oct 2020). In formation & information in living materials, in “Design, Gestaltung, Formatività”, anthology, Patricia Ribault, Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity. Image Space Material.
June. 2018. Science and art: scientistic alibi or path for the humanities? in “What future for the humanities? », the Archicube, n°24. ENS Ed. (Paris). P.98-101
Dec. 2017. First Impression, Catalog of my personal exhibition composed of five works presented in January-February 2017 at L'Espace Jean-Roger Caussimon, Tremblay in France.
Jan. 2017. Responsive Images and Hydrophily, in “Interactive Images: Arts, Sciences and Visual Culture”, under the direction of Jean-Paul Fourmentraux, La Lettre Volée Ed., Brussels.
June 2016. Versal Unfolding, How a specific folding can turn crease and tear into transversal notions, Emmanuel Ferrand, Dominique Peysson, in “On Folding”, dir. Michael Friedman, Transcript Ed., Bielefeld.
Apr. 2016. Image-matter. Emerging materials & imaginary metamorphoses. Book by Dominique Peysson. Say See Ed. (Paris).
Followed by The Image-Matter. Emerging Materials and Imaginary Metamorphosis, English translation by Vanessa Place, Dis Voir Ed. (Paris).
Dec. 2015 Emerging materials put to the test of contemporary art, in “Sciences et techniques. A culture to share » Culture and Research n° 132, 100 p., The research review of the Ministry of Culture.
2013. Co-direction with Olga Kisseleva of [plastik ]-Art & Science issue #03, nano.
August 2013. Peysson Dominique, “The nanoworld: a new “heterotopia”? », in the online review [plastik ] Nano, n°3.
May 2012. Materialize your thought on the threshold of the intelligible, in “Technique and creation”. Toulouse Ivan, Danétis Daniel (dir.), Paris: L'Harmattan, 2012, (coll. “Eureka et cie”).
2008. Inventing one's way, small heuristic fresco, in "Eureka, the moment of invention", Toulouse Ivan, Danétis Daniel (dir.), Arts 8, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2008, (coll. "Eureka et cie ").
1999-2009. Numerous publications in children's literature (texts and images): eleven children's books, illustrations for magazines, book covers, etc.
1991-1995. Scientific publications: one book chapter, eight publications in peer-reviewed journals (such as “Die Makromol. Chem.”, “Nonlinear Optics”, “Macromol. Chem. Phys.”, “Liquid Crystals”, ...) , eighteen papers (conferences, symposiums, etc.).
Organization of conferences and study days (Art)
Coming. Co-organizer of a week of transdisciplinary reflection with the physicist Benoît Roman on Animated matter, in May 2021. A whole isolated week for twelve internationally renowned researchers at the Fondation des Treilles, a place that promotes dialogue between creators and researchers . A material realization will be imagined, an international symposium and perhaps a book or an exhibition will be the expected productions of these days.
June 21, 2017. Interdisciplinary explorations around the living. Science and art at PSL. Art and biology workshop organized with Lia Giraud, Valérie Pihet and Perig Pitrou at ESPCI.
June 1, 2017. Responsive Matter, art&science colloquium, Center Pompidou, Paris, organized with Marie-Ange Brayer, Samuel Bianchini and Emanuele Quinz. 3D printing updates the matter / form relationship where matter only makes sense when it is informed and must be forgotten. But what about these new active, reactive and adaptive materials today?
Jan.2017-Jan.2019. Life at work. Exploring the potential of bioart and biodesign, active member with Ludovic Jullien and Lia Giraud of the program directed by Perig Pitrou, supported by PSL. This project brings together actors from various PSL institutions (schools of art and design, laboratories of natural sciences and human and social sciences) to explore the potential represented by the transfer of biotechnologies in artistic, craft and industrial practices. developing in the fields of bioart and biodesign.
Sept. 20-21, 2016. The FOLD, Colloquium EnsAD-ESPCI-Humboldt University-MPI Podsdam. Co-organizer with Benoît Roman (ESPCI, Paris), Michael Friedman (Humboldt University) and Peter Fratzl (dir. of the Max Plack Institute of Colloides and interfaces). The aim of the symposium was to bring together two different disciplines: the mechanics and morphogenesis of (bio)-materials on the one hand and philosophy on the other.
June. 2009-Feb. 2010. Change skin: Organization of two events allowing the formation of artist-scientist pairs, the establishment of exchanges (each putting themselves in the place of the other), and a restitution. Organized with Paris 8 and ESPCI, Paris.
May 31-June 1, 2007. Eureka, the moment of invention, organization with Ivan Toulouse of the symposium with artists and scientists, May 2007, Paris 8 University and ESPCI.
Interventions-communications in art
Coming soon (postponed due to coronavirus): Emerging materials put to the test of contemporary art, “Chemistry and Art”, Chemistry Days, X, ENS, ESPCI.
Coming soon - postponed due to coronavirus. Presentation of my works on DNA for “The 21st century, the century of DNA? », digital campus of Ionis Education group, Sup'Biotech.
March 2, 2020. Matter IS form, Galerie L'ahah, on the occasion of Ran Zhang's exhibition, Resolution of Traits, March 25-27, 2020, exhibition space #Griset, 4 cité Griset, Paris.
18 Feb. 2020. Jury for the SNSF Scientific Image Competition (SSIC) 2020, Bern, Switzerland.
Nov. 27-30, 2019. Things to think about. When what we touch can touch us deeply, Arts & Science international conference, Marc Chagall National Museum, Côte d'Azur University, Nice.
Nov-Dec. 2019. Innovation workshops on SMART materials for LVMH Research.
Sept. 24-25, 2019. Bio-mimesis versus biomimicry, presentation in pairs with Emmanuel Ferrand, for the Technical&Culture Meetings “Biomimicry(s). Imitation of life and modeling of life”, Mucem, Marseille.
June 13, 2019. Droplets as units of information, International Symposum “Garden the sky water”, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris.
June 11-21, 2019. “Art and science” creation workshops for LVMH Research, sponsored by Bruno Bavouzet, President of LVMH Research. A brand new experience, establishing a first milestone for bringing together research and contemporary art within LVMH itself.
12 Dec 2018. Intervention on the film Alone on Mars, by R. Scott, for the cycle “Extraterrestrial Presences”, Human lives in space, organized by Roland Lehoucq, Perig Pitrou and Jean-Sébastien Steyer at the Grand Action cinema, Paris.
Oct 12, 2018. Keynote, Art and Matter: a Matter of Life, 55th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Madrid, Spain (invited).
August 29, 2018. Keynote, In formation & information in living materials, Solvay Workshop, Brussels, Belgium (invited).
June 27, 2018. Organic machines, Study days “Artificial sensibility”, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris-Nord.
15-16 Feb. 2018. Information and in-formation in living material, for the workshop “Design, Gestaltung, Formatività”, Humboldt University (Berlin) and Max Planck Institute (Potsdam), Germany (invited).
Oct. 12, 2017. The march towards organic machines, for the conference “The future of machines: between science and fiction?”, Accè)s( festival, Pau.
Oct 16-17, 2017. Living matter, for the symposium La vie à l'oeuvre. New ecologies, bioart, biodesign, at the Musée de la Chasse, Paris.
June 21, 2017. Alive. The forms of information, for the workshop “Interdisciplinary explorations around the living. Science and art at PSL”, ESPCI, Paris.
June 1, 2017. Opening and communication: Responsive Liquid Matter, for the “Responsive Matter” colloquium at the Center Pompidou, Paris.
30 Apr. 2017. Desiring matter, from the machine to living matter, for the meetings: “Utopian machines”, at the Gaité Lyrique, Paris.
2016 Nov 10. New skins. A relationship of intelligence between us and our clothing, research seminar “Anthropology of the worlds of fashion. The hand looking at the machine. What's left for the hand? », EHESS, Paris.
June 9, 2016. Data-matter and programmable matter: round table “Data Matters? organized around the work of Mathieu Briand Memories Memories, Espace Pierre Gilles de Gennes, Paris.
May 26, 2016. Launch of the book L'Image-Matière in Paris. Round table with Manuela de Barros and Dominique Lestel, La Paillasse, Paris.
May 18, 2016. Launch of the book L'Image-Matière in Poitiers. Round table with Perig Pitrou and Thierry Ferreira, Lieu Multiple, Poitiers.
Apr 2, 2016. Interview with Lia Giraud on ENS radio: TrENSmission on our art&science journeys
March 23, 2016. Carving Material Properties. The emerging materials in contemporary art. Intervention for the International Symposium on Two-Dimensional Layered Materials and Art: Two Worlds Meet, March 23-25, 2016, IMéRA, Marseille. Internet streaming.
13 Feb. 2016. Programming Matter. Presentation-debate, Center Jean-Roger Caussimon, Tremblay in France, as part of his artistic residency, in partnership with the Lieu multiple de Poitiers.
4 May 2015. The courage of the researcher-explorer. Small illustrated chronicle of a research by serendipity, Interferences_VIDA, coupled with a workshop of History and Philosophy of Science, Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC), Paris.
March 26, 2015. Through the fold: Cross-pleated of philosophy, contemporary art and applied arts, Colloquium Folding and creasing of thin plate structures, GDR MePhy, Mechanics and physics of complex systems. ESPCI, Paris Vth.
Nov. 13, 2014. Matter in two times: dynamic balance, Meeting Research and creation, temporalities, Labex ARTS-H2H, Galerie Rhinocéros et cie, 156 bd Haussman, Paris.
March 6, 2014. Matter IS mechanism. Responsive materials and contemporary art. Dorkbot #46 (Doing strange things with electricity), Paris.
Sept. 19-20, 2013. ABC. Moving Without Motors: the Artist and the Behavior of its moving Creatures. Moving Without Muscles (MWM) conference, Grenoble interdisciplinary laboratory.
May 23, 2013. Research in progress, for the annual Labex DEEP day, Institut Curie, Paris.
Apr. 11, 2013. Speech at the Biomechanics, Microengineering, Nanotechnology seminar at the Center for Research and Interdisciplinary (CRI), Paris Descartes University.
21 Feb. 2013. Intervention and debate for Sensitive Mathematics in the context of "La science se livre" at the Cube, Issy-les-Moulineaux.
26 Jan. 2013. The nanoworld: a new “heterotopia”? For the conference “Art at the nanoscale”, Center Pompidou, Paris.
9-10. Oct. 2012. Mental modulations, modus operandi, History of art and mental waves, for the days “Neuronal interfaces: from thought to action”, Stéréolux, Nantes.
May 2011. Visit with two voices, art & science, about the exhibition “Who turned off the light? » MacVal / Exploradome, Vitry sur Seine.
March 2011. Percoler, intervention on art and science at Universcience, Paris.
June 2010. YI SANG | GNAS IY and time reversal. Intervention on the scientific inspiration of the Korean poet Yi Sang, festival "Yi Sang in Paris", at the Générale, Paris.
May 2009. The gestures of memory, “Mobile Immobile” study day, Aesthetics of new media research team, University of Paris 8, Saint-Denis.
May 2009. Inventiveness described as the parataxic percolation of islands of structured thought within the informal. Scientific days of the University of Rennes2, “Technique and creation”, Rennes.
March 5, 2009. Electro-encephalo-gramophonies, Intervention on the History of mental waves in art, for Thursdays of Gakona, Brainwaves, Palais de Tokyo, Paris.
2008. Inventing one's way, small heuristic fresco, Colloquium “Eureka, the moment of invention”, Paris 8 and ESPCI, Paris.
9, rue du Gué
92500 Rueil-Malmaison