Dominique Peysson
Metal, Japanese water, lamps
Supported by the research program "Vocality in theater and opera" of the Iris "Creation, Cognition and Society" (EHESS) carried by PSL, for the four performances of Kein Licht at the Favart hall in Paris, from October 19 to 22, 2017.

March 11, 2011. Following a magnitude 9 earthquake ravaging the eastern coast of Japan, a gigantic tsunami seriously damaged the cooling systems of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, resulting in a meltdown of the core of the two reactors of the plant which will therefore emitting a radioactive plume driven by atmospheric circulation, the water droplets naturally present in the air changing from radioactive particles to then fall into rain over a very large area. In this work, two photo-satellite images of clouds flying over Japan between March 11 and 23 are represented using drops of rainwater recently collected in Japan, each drop corresponding to a pixel in the cloud image. The water, sufficiently viscosified, controls the speed of evaporation and thus allows the image to gradually fade away, leaving the viewer in front of a cloudless sky...

Ahead of the performances of Kein Licht.
“The “pre-shows” which precede the moment of music constitute a particular space-time where the public is just as inhabited by desire and expectation as by questions to be asked. So much so that we often nourish this time apart from an excess of material to think about the work in its historical, musical, philosophical context. »
Karine LeBail